What is file system? How files/directories stored? [Video Crash course]
If you are really curious about digital level of file to the physical/electronics and magnetic level of files, how file blocks works, how metadata helps to process files, how file is being stored and accessed, All you need to do is see this. NTFS, EXT3, FAT, FAT32, VFAT and so on, if you are computer’s any way deeper user you must face one of these terms till now. Specially while formatting your hard drive or USB thumb drive. It's all about file these are called file system, it's all about logic and structure followed by an OS to store file on hard drive blocks and how it's going to be organised. What is file? Files(digitally) are collection of information stored in which are organised in very definitive ways so that other programs and/or users can understand first what type of data in it and what data inside it is. File type means, text, mp3, video, Images and data means content inside that. Filetype will decide which programme it should be triggered to process this file a...